7. Cycle LEJOG (On the train to Edinburgh)

I have always enjoyed challenging people’s expectations and pre conceived ideas. Today is no exception. I am sitting in the first class carriage of the train to Edinburgh surrounded by smart business men and elegant elderly couples. I, however, am wearing cyclist Lycra complete with an impressively extensive oil smear up my forearm after an early morning battle between my bike lock and the train. Furthermore I introduced myself to the rather sedate carriage by crashing through the door ungainly laden with grubby panniers. Bet they didn’t expect to see that in first class.

An interesting aside is that the expectations I think I am challenging are only what I have expected of others. Maybe it’s just me with the expectations and I’m just challenging my own. My personal favourite example of this was when living in Edinburgh we’d go to the theatre in scruffy jeans only to be surrounded by folk in their posh frocks. There’s nothing wrong with posh frocks at the theatre of course, but somehow wearing jeans symbolised to me challenging one of my colleague’s outrageous (in my opinion) comment that theatre was “boring and only for posh people”. I bet nobody else even noticed. Funny too because ironically, somewhere, I think I considered myself a posh person making a point. Moot then, really.

That aside aside, I’m nervously excited about my trip to Scotland. Mostly nervous I must confess at this stage. I’ve just checked the weather and it looks pretty miserable. Then again John o Groats in the sunshine doesn’t seem quite right. Having said that I’ve packed and planned carefully and have enough money for a train straight home, if it comes to that. Which hopefully it won’t. I’ll feel better when I’ve made it to Perth, hopefully by this evening.

Excited too (thankfully!) that I’m embarking on this challenge. It’s easy to make verbal challenges to oneself, much harder to act upon them. It won’t be easy, and at times it will be cold, lonely and potentially quite miserable. That’s what makes this a challenge and an adventure rather than a holiday. Challenge brings it’s own excitement and satisfaction, even wonder at what can be achieved, as well as confidence and inspiration for the next one. Though I’m hoping on this trip there’ll be good bits too! In any case, as a good friend texted this morning at least I “will have a memorable 30th year”. Ultimately that was the point of The List.

Fun then to challenge expectations and equally fun when challenge is the expectation.

Ps I forgot to say: perks of being in first class:

1. Endless free tea, coffee, coke, crisps, muffins, lunch… (No wonder business men get fat)
2. Free wifi
3. Big chairs and tables
4. Waitress service

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes.

About drruthcorrigan

I am about to qualify as a doctor and start the rest of my life. I am driven by challenges, whether academic or adventurous and regard my relationships with my family and partner as the most important things in my life. I will turn 30 next year and this blog will record the challenges I have set myself to mark the occasion and record how my year progresses.
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1 Response to 7. Cycle LEJOG (On the train to Edinburgh)

  1. Linda says:

    Good luck Ruth. Stay safe xx

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